Wellilo Physical Therapy & Yoga

Discernment and the Evolution of Movement-Based Yoga (Podcast with Francesca Cervero)

Ariele Foster Podcast Francesca Cervero The Mentor Sessions Support + Strategy for Yoga Teachers Anatomy

I have a fun podcast to share with you!

Francesca Cervero, private yoga teacher & yoga teacher mentor, recently invited me as a guest on her podcast The Mentor Sessions: Support + Strategy for Yoga Teachers. We had a terrifically fun conversation covering our personal yoga stories, functional movement, cross-training for yogis, how to do your absolute best to prevent injury on the yoga mat, and so much more. I hope you’ll listen to: Anatomy Informed Yoga with Guest Teacher Dr. Ariele Foster.

What’s inside the podcast:

  • – We chat Anatomy, Biomechanics, Functional Movement Patterns and how little yoga asana teachers are initially taught in these subjects.
  • – I share my unusual journey to yoga teaching and why the practice supports physical therapy so well.
  • – Placing a priority on strengthening over flexibility.
  • – Learn the 10 Principles of Anatomy Informed Yoga.
  • – Should yoga teachers be learning anatomy? What is helpful for instructors to know?
  • – Teaching discernment to our students is difficult but worthwhile.
  • – We break down yoga poses and how to take some of the weight off of your overworked joints.

“So many yoga teachers feel insecure about their lack of anatomy knowledge. This insecurity about lack of anatomy knowledge is totally normal. We ALL feel it, me included, because it is true! We don’t know enough. There is so much to learn about the body and how it functions and then even more to learn about specific individuals bodies and how they are patterned. It is overwhelming!

To help us break the cycle of overwhelm, I’m excited to introduce you to my friend Dr. Ariele Foster, a yoga instructor for 16 years and a Doctor of Physical Therapy. Dr. Foster is passionate about making yoga anatomy accessible to everyone and is the founder of the Yoga Anatomy Academy.

Ariele’s deep understanding of the human body enables her to integrate movement and medicine into one practice and she offers us all some nuggets of wisdom we can take into our teaching right away.”

Website and Social Media Links
Yoga Anatomy Academy Website
Yoga Anatomy Academy on Facebook
Yoga Anatomy Academy on Instagram

Here are direct links to the Giveaways mentioned in the podcast!
10 Principles of Anatomy Informed Yoga Download
Smart Sequencing for Naginyasana Download
Surya Yantrasana Sample Sequence

Originally published- 11/27/2017

Categories: : Podcast, Yoga