Wellilo Physical Therapy & Yoga

Sweet and Salty Roasted Root Vegetables

Originally published- 11/23/2014

Winter may not be my favorite season, but baking, roasting, soup-ing and generally experimenting in the kitchen can make it pretty delightful. I especially love the abundance of earthy root vegetables in cold months, and feel a kindred spirit with underappreciated roots like turnips and beets. This “recipe” is particularly special to me because the dear friend who showed it to me left this earth all too young. In preparation for Thanksgiving this week, and in his honor, I present:

Roasted Root Vegetable Medley (inspired by my friend Koji)

roasted beet sweet potato

Pre-heat the oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit. Place a few cups of roughly chopped Beets, Sweet Potatoes, Carrots, and Turnips (or any combo, but the at minimum i recommend beets and sweet potatoes) in a large bowl. Stir about a quarter (to a half) cup each of olive oil, tamari or Braggs Amino Acids and honey (ratio to taste) into a smooth sauce in a smaller bowl or jar, then pour over the vegetables. Mix thoroughly. Spread the mixture in a single layer into a baking pan.

Garlic brings this dish to the next level. You can either chop 3 cloves of fresh garlic and stir it in, or – still in the skin – take a whole head of garlic, coat it in olive oil, wrap it in aluminum foil, and plop it in the middle of the veggies. The second version roasts the garlic separately, which you then squish out and somehow spread around the veggies without crushing them in the process. Or, you could plan in advance (which i never do!), first roasting the garlic, then adding it to the sauce, then it would evenly coat the veggies as you stir the bowl.

If you have aluminum foil, place it lightly over the veggie tray for the first 30 minutes in the oven, but make sure to take it off and let the vegetables caramelize for another 15-25 minutes afterward.

Option to sprinkle lightly with fresh oregano or parsley.

Enjoy the salty, savory sweetness with a fork. Take a moment to thank those who have passed on for shining their light brightly while present.

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Categories: : Recipe